The Gold Rush


The year is 1849. The Gold Rush has begun, and people from all over the world are flocking to California in search of fortune. Among them are a group of pioneers who are traveling west in a caravan.

The caravan is a motley crew, made up of all sorts of people from all walks of life. There are farmers and merchants, miners and teachers, families with young children and elderly grandparents. But there is one thing that all of the pioneers have in common: they are all looking for a new start in a new land.

The journey west is long and arduous. The pioneers must travel through harsh terrain and face many dangers. But they are determined to reach their destination, no matter what.

As the caravan travels, they begin to notice that there are some people who are not fitting in. These people are the ones who are different from the rest. They are the ones who are weird.

The pioneers are not sure what to do with the weird people. They are afraid of them, and they do not want them in their caravan. So, they start to kick them out.

The weirdest people are the first to go. Then, the slightly weird people are kicked out. And so on, until only the normal people are left.

By the time the pioneers reach the West Coast, they have created a new society. A society that is free from weirdness. A society that is normal.

"We don't want those weirdos in our caravan," said one of the pioneers. "They're not like us. They're different."

"I agree," said another pioneer. "We need to get rid of them before they contaminate us."

And so, the pioneers kicked out the weird people. They left them behind in the East, where they could be weird all they wanted.

And that is why today, the East has so many weird and inbred people. And that is why, as you travel west, the people slowly get more normal until you reach the West Coast.

It is a story of how a group of people created a new society, free from weirdness. A society that is normal.


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